Stock > License plate numbers > License plate number assignment 

Use this function to associate stock lines to license plate numbers.
During a stock receipt (miscellaneous receipt, receipt, etc.) and based on the setup of the product category, you can:
  • Directly assign a license plate number during stock receipt
  • Perform the stock receipt without specifying any license plate number. Then, in a second stage, you can perform this license plate number assignment operation via this function.
Depending on the selected management mode, you can then:
  • Enter a license plate number from one or several partial or entire stock lines
  • Distribute one or several stock lines onto several license plate numbers


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Screen management

Entry screen


You can filter the stock lines to select by location /product/ version / lot.
Click the Picking criteria action to refine the selection and have additional criteria.

In the selection panel, the Stock selection list displays all the stock lines matching the selection criteria and meeting the following conditions:

  • The stock lines are not associated with license plate numbers yet.
  • They are on 'internal'-type locations.
It will only be possible to select those lines relating to products managed by license plate numbers.

To carry out the assignment:

1/ First choose the relevant management mode:

  • 'Simple': this management mode is adapted if you want to assign a stock line to a license plate number. You can fill a container from one or several stock lines.
    • Perform a selection on the location, the product, the version or the lot.
    • Enter the destination license plate number.
    • The destination location and the destination warehouse associated by default with the license plate number are displayed. You can modify them if the container is free.
    • Pick a stock line from the Stock selection list in the selection panel.
      This line is displayed in the Stock line table.
      To keep filling the container, select the other stock lines one after the other after having modified the selected location, product, version or lot, if need be.
      On each line, you can modify the quantity assigned to the license plate number. The remainder remains unassigned. It can only be assigned through a new assignment.
  • Multiple': this management mode is adapted if you want to distribute one or several stock lines onto several license plate numbers. When you select 'Multiple', the numbers are assigned on the lines in the Stock lines table. The header information can no longer be accessed.
    • Pick a stock line from the selection panel.
      This line is displayed in the Stock line table. On this line, enter the quantity that you wish to assign to the first license plate number.
    • On the line, enter the license plate number (as well as the location if the container is not associated with a location).
    • If the serial number management mode of the product is Global Received/Issued, click Relevant serial no. accessed from the Actions icon to select the relevant serial numbers.
    • A line with the remaining quantity to process is automatically created. You can keep this quantity or modify it. As for the first line, enter the license plate number, the location and the other fields, if required.
      If you have modified the quantity, a new line is again created automatically with the new remainder, and so on and so forth.
      You can delete the automatically created line if you do not wish to associate the remaining quantity to a license plate number.
    • You can keep performing assignments by picking other stock lines.

2/ Click Create:

  • An entry number is created.
  • A 'License plate number change'-type stock movement is performed.
When filling the containers:
  • A control is conducted on the 'single-product' or 'single-lot' nature of the container.
  • No consistency control is conducted between the quantities of the selected stock lines and the filling capacity of the container.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

Renseignez obligatoirement le site. Il est initialisé par défaut avec le site associé à votre profil fonction.

  • Entry (field VCRNUM)

This field cannot be entered. It displays the document number generated after creation.

  • Description (field VCRDES)

This is the description of the document.

  • Allocation date (field IPTDAT)

Date utilisée à la comptabilisation du mouvement. Elle est initialisée avec la date du jour et peut être changée pour une date antérieure, si la date sélectionnée se situe dans une période ouverte du calendrier comptable.

SEEINFOVous ne pouvez pas saisir une date supérieure à la date du jour.


  • Location (field LOCSEL)

Enter the location reference in order to filter the stock lines to be selected.

Only 'Internal' locations are available.

You can enter a product reference in order to filter the stock lines to be selected.

  • Major version (field ECSSEL)

You can enter a version number in order to filter the stock lines to be selected.

  • Lot (field LOTSEL)

Enter a lot number in order to filter the stock lines to be selected.


  • Management mode (field MODAFFLPN)

This field can only be viewed in creation mode.
Select the management mode best suited for the assignment of the license plate number to the selected stock lines:

  • 'Simple': use this management mode if you want to assign a stock line to a license plate number. You can fill a container from one or several stock lines.
        • Enter the destination license plate number.
        • The destination location and the destination warehouse associated by default with the container are displayed. You can modify them if the container is free.
        • Pick a stock line from the Stock selection list in the selection panel.
          This line is displayed in the Stock line table.
          To keep filling the container, select the other stock lines one after the other after having modified the selected location, product, version or lot, if need be.
          On each line, you can modify the quantity assigned to the license plate number. The remainder remains unassigned. It can only be assigned through a new assignment.
  • ‘Multiple’: use this management mode if you want to distribute one or several stock lines onto several license plate numbers. When you select 'Multiple', the numbers are assigned on the lines in the Stock lines table. The header information can no longer be accessed.
        • Pick a stock line from the selection panel.
          This line is displayed in the Stock line table. On this line, enter the quantity that you wish to assign to the first license plate number.
      • Enter the license plate number on the line, as well as the location if the container is not associated with a location.
      • If the serial number management mode of the product is Global receipt/issue, click Relevant serial no. from the Actions icon to select the relevant serial numbers.
      • A line with the remaining quantity to process is automatically created. You can keep this quantity or modify it. As for the first line, enter the license plate number, the location and the other fields, if required.
        If you have modified the quantity, a new line is again created automatically with the new remainder, and so on and so forth.
        You can delete the automatically created line if you do not wish to associate the remaining quantity to a license plate number.
    • You can keep performing assignments by picking other stock lines.

When filling the containers:

  • A control is conducted on the single-product or single-lot nature of the container
  • No consistency control is conducted between the quantities of the selected stock lines and the filling capacity of the container.

This field can only be accessed when the management mode is ‘Simple’. Enter the license plate number for the container that you want to fill, from the stock line(s) to be selected.

This field cannot be entered. It displays the container associated with the selected license plate number.

  • Single-product (field MONITMFLG)

This field cannot be entered. It indicates if the container is managed in single-product or not.

  • Single-lot (field MONLOTFLG)

This field cannot be entered. It indicates if the container is managed in single-lot or not.

  • Destination location (field LOCDESH)

This field displays the location associated with the selected container.
If the license plate number for the container is 'Free', that is to say not yet associated with a stock line, you can modify this location.
If the license plate number is already 'In stock', the location cannot be modified.

Ce champ est soumis au code activité WRH.
Ce champ affiche le dépôt auquel est rattaché l'emplacement de destination.

Grid Stock lines

  • Location (field LOC)

This field is not editable. It displays the location where the stock line is recorded.

This field displays the product reference of the selected stock line.

  • Description (field ITMDES1)

This field displays the product description.

  • Lot (field LOT)

This field is not editable. It displays the lot associated with the product on the stock line.

  • Sublot (field SLO)

This field is not editable. It displays the sublot associated with the product on the stock line.

  • Version (field ECCVALMAJ)

This field displays the major version of the product.

This field is not editable. It displays the warehouse where the stock line is recorded.

  • Status (field STA)

This field is not editable. It displays the product status on the stock line.

This field displays the packaging unit of the selected stock line.

  • Quantity to be processed (field QTYPCU)

This field displays the quantity of the product for the selected stock line, expressed in packaging unit.

You can modify it and reduce this quantity if needed.

  • If your management is 'Multiple', modifying the quantity allows you to distribute the stock line over several containers: once information have been entered on the line, a second line is displayed in the table. It is linked to the selected stock line and automatically displays the remainder quantity.
  • If you are in 'Simple’ management mode, the remainder quantity remains unassigned. It can only be assigned when creating a new assignment.
  • PAC-STK conv. (field PCUSTUCOE)

Conversion factor used to calculate the quantity in stock units from a quantity entered in packing units: Quantity in STK = Qty in PAC * conversion factor.

This conversion factor can be accessed if the packing Unit field (PCU) has been entered, and has a value different from the Stock unit field (STU). It can be initialized using the conversion factor table if the combination exists.

This field displays the unit in which the product is stored. It provides the key to prices, costs, volumes etc.

  • STK quantity (field QTYSTUDES)

This field displays the quantity in stock unit.

  • Available STK (field STUDIS)

This non-modifiable field displays the quantity available on the stock line, expressed in stock units.

When the management mode is 'Multiple', specify the license plate number used.

This field cannot be entered. It displays the container associated with the selected license plate number.

  • Dstn. loc. type (field LOCTYPDES)

This field cannot be entered. It displays the type of the selected location.

  • Target location (field LOCDES)

This field displays the location associated with the selected container.
If the license plate number for the container is 'Free', that is to say not yet associated with a stock line, you can modify this location.
If the license plate number is already 'In stock', the location cannot be modified.


  • Serial number (field SERNUM)

Ce champ est renseigné uniquement si l’article est géré en numéro de série :

  • Si le mode de gestion des numéros de série de l’article est ‘Entrée & sortie’, le numéro de série fin est affiché.
  • Si le mode de gestion des numéros de série de l’article est ‘Entrée & sortie globale’, cliquez sur No séries concernés accessible depuis l'icône Actionspour sélectionner les numéros de série concernés.
    Une fois la sélection effectuée, ce champ affiche le dernier numéro de série concerné.
  • Ending serial number (field SERNUMF)


  • Identifier 1 (field PALNUMDES)


  • Identifier 2 (field CTRNUMDES)


  • Custom field 1 (field STOFLD1)


  • Custom field 2 (field STOFLD2)


  • Movement description (field MVTDES)

Free text that will be written in the stock journal for each movement of the return line. This information can also be modified in the Stock detail window.

  • Chronological stock (field WSTOCOU)




Action icon

Stock transactions

Click this action to access the Stock transactions inquiry.

Stock by license plate number

Click this action to access the Stock by license plate number inquiry.

Detailed stock

Click this action to access the Detailed stock inquiry.

Impacted serial no.

This action is available when the serial numbers of the product are managed in Global receipt/issue and when the selected stock line corresponds to multiple serial numbers or serial number sequences.
Click this action to view the serial number sequences.




Specific actions

Use this action to enter selection criteria and filter or limit the stock lines suggested in the selection panel.

Local menus

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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